A Timeline of Reading Assist’s History

1979 - Ginger Develops Initial Reading Curriculum
1989 - Reading Assist Becomes 501 (c)(3)
Ginger incorporated her growing organization as the Reading Assist, a 501(c)(3), and began training more volunteer tutors. Reading Assist soon became a recognized authority on reading intervention for elementary students, and its trained tutors were providing reading intervention for students in schools throughout New Castle County.
2000-2006 - Reading Assist Receives Awards, Builds Program
Reading Assist received many excellence awards including the Superstars in Business Award of Excellence. Ginger published “Educating Andrew,” a chronicle of her son’s learning differences and the methods that helped him become a better reader, which serve as the foundation for the Reading Assist program. Reading Assist also grew its volunteer force and worked to improve student reading statewide.
2013 - Reading Assist Advises Delaware Board of Education
The Delaware Board of Education turned to Reading Assist for guidance about the best ways to teach literacy and support struggling readers.
2015 - Reading Assist Fellowship Program Begins
In 2015, Reading Assist created the Reading Assist Intervention Corps – now known as Reading Assist Fellows – in partnership with AmeriCorps Delaware and the Colonial School District to provide students with more intensive, consistent reading intervention – one-on-one, 45 minutes a day, five days a week – to more students.
2023 - Reading Assist Program Continues to Expand
Today, Reading Assist serves more than 1,100 students in 30+ public and charter schools across Delaware and in Chester, PA, with year-round programming. In 2021 we launched our first summer session, and in fall 2022 we introduced an after-school program following a successful spring 2022 pilot. We continue to expand to serve new schools each year and work to ensure fewer struggling readers are left behind.