Monthly Archives: October 2017

VIDEO: Intense literacy program changing lives in New Castle schools

2020-12-14T22:09:06-06:00October 14th, 2017|News|

Delaware Online -- Reading Assist Intervention Corps members spend 45 minutes a day, five days a week with students like Bowers teaching the “mechanics of reading" to children who struggle to connect letters and their related sounds, impairing their ability to "decode” words and read fluently. 

In the News: About half of Delaware’s third-graders struggle to read

2022-10-06T11:57:13-06:00October 2nd, 2017|News|

The News Journal -- Jayden Bowers is a third-grader at New Castle Elementary School. He has to sound out a lot of words before he can recognize them. He's making progress every day with the help of one-on-one tutors from Reading Assist, a nonprofit dedicated to teaching the foundations of reading to struggling students. 

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